

linbin123456 2023-07-14 83
央企信托-194号山东临沂标债摘要: 地级市标债,绑定市级AA+公开债主体,存续债券利率低至3.98%,省内人口最多,面积最大的地级市,GDP达5779亿!市场首发,从未在信托市场发过项目的区域!信用极好!R2风险等级...
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【预期收益】100万 7.2%;300万 7.3%(合同收益6.45%,差额成立后7个工作日补齐)
【担保方】临沂投资发展集团有限公司,主体评级 AA+。实控人为临沂市人民政府,截至 2023 年3月末,公司总资产 490.40亿元,净资产 147.65 亿元。
【区域介绍】临沂市是革命老区、全国铁路枢纽城市和国家物流枢纽常住人口1100万人,面积1.72万平方公里,是山东省人口最多、面积最大的市。2022 年,临沂市实现GDP5778.5 亿元,全省16个地级市中国排名第五!一般公共预算收入420.19亿。




     Abstract: commercial buildings in the residential area is a special type of building, it and closely linked to people's life and enhance the openness and vitality of the residential areas. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the residential commercial architecture design and shall comply with the design concept, hoping to commercial buildings of residential design and improvement.   关键词:居住区 商业建筑 设计理念 Keywords: residential commercial building design concept      改革开放以来,房地产业已经成为我国经济发展新的增长点,住宅已成为居民新的消费热点

    在居住区规划和住宅的设计中积极推进“以人为本”的设计创新理念,创造具有地方特色、设备完善、达到21 世纪现代化居住标准的住宅是摆在建筑师面前的迫切任务


     Since China's reform and opening up, the real estate industry has become a new growth point of China's economic development, housing has become a new consumption hot spots. In the design of residential area planning and residential actively promote "people-oriented" design concept innovation, create a with local characteristics, equipment is perfect, meet the 21st century modern residential living standards is the urgent task in front of the architect. Residential commercial buildings and closely linked to people's life and enhance the openness and vitality of the settlement, the study has practical significance.      我国居住区商业建筑发展历程 The residential commercial building development      20 世纪80 年代我国改革开放政策的实施为住宅及居住区商业建筑的建设发展带来了契机,使之进入全面发展的新时期


    到了90 年代后,居住区的商业建筑设计逐步得到重视,居住区开始有了超级市场、复合型商业建筑、步行街和购物中心等,这种变化反映了居住区商业建筑设计从满足人们的基本需求过渡到关注生活质量这一层面

     The implementation of the reform and opening up policies in China in the 1980 s of commercial buildings to residential and residential construction development has brought an opportunity to make it into the new period of comprehensive development. Before this, residential commercial buildings is simpler, mostly single determinant layout, layout mode and quantity is not much. In the 90 s, the area of design gradually pay more attention to the commercial building, residential area has a supermarket, composite commercial buildings, pedestrian street and shopping center etc., the change reflects the community commercial architecture design from the transition to meet basic human needs to focus on the quality of life level.      我国居住区商业建筑设计存在的问题 Problem of residential commercial architectural design in our country      我国居住区商业建筑在设计上的状况总体说来,在“商”与“住”两个方面存在矛盾

    尤其对其建筑设计而言,还存在一定的问题,具体表现在以下方面: The residential commercial buildings in design condition in general, in the "business" and "live" two aspects of contradiction. Especially for its architectural design, but also has certain problem, specific performance in the following areas:   内部空间处理不当



     Improper handling internal space. Some residential commercial building space processing relatively arbitrary, plane constraint, do not meet the requirements of the use of commercial buildings are expounded. People often see some commercial residential building because of the space structure is not flexible in can change it with the use of residents demand the, idle or used for any other purposes.   外观设计失败


     Design failure. Increasingly rich pattern in the residential, residential commercial buildings are mostly lack of features, show the same tendency, others are in order to achieve the purpose of attracting eyeballs and sales, extremely use up fancy appearance image, ignore the basic use function, image and residential areas.   外部环境设计单调



     The external environment design is monotonous. Some of the external environment design of residential commercial buildings is very boring or no external environment design. Commercial building and residential area and the whole environment of the city link stiff, is not conducive to the use of residents, but also not conducive to the construction of commercial atmosphere. 居住区商业建筑设计理念分析 Residential commercial building design concept analysis      居住区商业建筑与城市建设发展和居民生活密切相关,它的合理布置和设置将影响居民生活和城市环境

    本文针对目前我国居住区商业建筑的现状,认为其设计应遵循以下理念: Residential commercial architecture and urban construction development and residents is closely related to its reasonable layout and Settings will affect residents and urban environment. View of the present status of the residential area of commercial buildings in China, this paper thinks that the design should follow the following ideas:   以人为本



     The people-oriented. The creation of residential commercial building and its environment, "people-oriented" should be the starting point of its designing idea, and final inspection of staff's business environment. Residential design commercial buildings is not passive to meet residents' demand, but to actively to find the possibility of more demand, the user can from the designer to provide the possibility of demand to meet their real needs.   具有综合性与专业性功能



     With comprehensive and professional capabilities. According to the requirements of the convenient life, improve the quality of life, the construction of the residential area of commercial outlets to medium, to improve the single dot, it development and large comprehensive supermarket stores, integrating shopping, catering, entertainment, leisure as one of the shopping center. Industry structure to eat, wear, use, play, the combination of comprehensive and professional combination, especially to develop some emerging service industry.   注重商业区的空间秩序




     Pay attention to the business district of the space order. In Chinese traditional space consciousness, taking level, the development of methods to conduct the people from the beginning to the end, at the end of climax to achieve full of drama, has strong spatial order. Give priority to in order to pass on line store street has certain rhythm, make the unity of the whole street. And signs, cover, plaques is a feature of the traditional business management in our country, and in some sense in the habitable zone of commercial buildings due to the highly stylized, it has no window display, although the sell each unit of the item is different, but from the external image is very similar, in order to identify, on signs, cover all the advertising, direct illuminate its content, and have the function of decoration.   合理的商业网点布局模式




     Sound business network layout model. This paper holds that the commercial network layout mode of residential district with delegation monomer construction advisable. According to the planning service radius and total population to determine construction, location can be arranged in a residential area of the main entrances and exits of or the entire residential area traffic the minuses. Both to abound and changes in the architectural style, and organic connection, to form a beautiful landscape architecture.      结论 conclusion      西方发达国家的商业发展远远领先于我国,他们在商业建筑设计中注重人性化设计的经验值得我们借鉴;而我国传统商业街的集中式商业布局设计具有浓厚的人文气息,商业建筑设计应该遵循商业的本质规律,即对商业利益的追逐




     Commercial development of the western developed countries far ahead of our country, they pay attention to humanized design in the commercial architecture design experience is worth our using for reference; And China's traditional commercial street centralized business layout design has a strong cultural atmosphere, commercial architecture design should follow the rules of the nature of the business, the pursuit of commercial interests. The humanized tendency of commercial building design, does not conflict with them. Because only attract more consumers and meet their diverse needs, to achieve greater business benefits. Successful commercial construction projects should be a building with its unique cultural connotation, is also a time for a region, culture and art of enrichment, the continuation of historical context, time, material civilization and spiritual civilization plays a positive role. 是建筑工程的重点管理内容之一


       【关键词】水利工程;造价控制;招投标   随着我国建筑业的发展,水利工程也取得了较大的发展成就,在水利工程的施工过程中,做好造价控制和管理不仅能够使资源得到合理配置,优化工程造价结构,还能有效提高工程经济效益



       1.水利工程造价中存在的问题   由于水利工程项目的资金量较大、具体项目较多,所以决定了水利工程的预结算的编制工作是一份十分细致和繁琐的工作,在预结算编制的过程中,要求工作人员不仅要具体相关的统计专业知识和技能,还要对水利工程的施工技术和工艺有一定的了解和掌握,只有这样才能在预结算编制的过程中实现对各种资金项目的审核


       2.决策阶段的工程造价控制与管理   水利工程的决策阶段指的是在项目形成之初,对该项目的建设可行性和建设方案进行讨论的过程,在这个阶段对水利工程的造价进行控制和管理的结果,对工程的经济效益起着重要的决定作用



       3.设计阶段水利工程造价的控制   工程的设计阶段对于工程的造价控制和管理的影响也是非常大的,实践中我们发现,采用限额设计的方式可以有效的实现工程造价的合理控制,有利于实现资源的优化配置



       4.招、投标阶段对工程造价的控制和管理   招投标是我国建筑工程通过市场竞争选择承包单λ的一种常见形式,在这个过程中有关招标单λ根据工程施工要求制定招标文件,投标人根据自身情况报价竞争,最终通过委员会的审核选择签约单λ的过程

    一般来说,在招投标阶段控制工程造价应该从以下几个方面入手:   (1)首先,要对投标单λ的工程承包资质进行严格的审查,避免施工质量差、财务状况差、信誉差的施工单λ参加投标



       5.施工阶段水利工程造价的控制   (1)根据全过程造价控制业务要求,造价控制工程师要深入工地现场,随时查看工程实施情况,严格核实,规范签证,对施工阶段的隐蔽工程、变更签证要进行有效的造价控制














       参考文献   【1】丁湘鳕.水利工程造价管理与控制研究【J】.科技传播,2010(20)   【2】谢伟.浅谈水利工程项目的施工成本控制【J】.科技资讯,



作者:linbin123456本文地址:http://ccbca.org.cn/zhengxinxintuo/52441.html发布于 2023-07-14
